“Fair isn’t everybody getting the same thing; fair is everybody getting what he or she needs in order to be successful.” -Unknown

Add your comment below.  Be sure to share what you think the meaning of this quote is as well as how you can apply it to your own life!  Your response is due by 3:30 on Friday, April 19th.
4/15/2013 03:45:28 am

That you do not need everything in the world.You can use what you have.Do not have to get what you want.I can apply it to my life so I can save my money.

4/15/2013 03:46:34 am

ya so everyone has to be fiar. NOT argee.They do not have to be successfull every time you have to go to class som classes

4/15/2013 03:48:02 am

people should not be greedy. people dont always get what they want. kids should not yell at there parents if they dont get what they want. parents should not have to waist there money for kids that are greedy and are spioled.

4/15/2013 03:50:20 am

Fair is't every one getting the same thing. Becase some one mite not want it. Fair is geting diferent things because people can trade things. This is what this meins.

4/15/2013 03:56:24 am


4/19/2013 12:59:33 am

4/15/2013 03:50:48 am

I think that it means that like you do not have to be fair by the same thing it is by what you need. Like you do not have to do the same thing it is how you need it. How I can use it in my life is not saing I want that why dose she get that. I know I have to stop saying I want need to have that.

4/15/2013 03:51:01 am

It means everyone dosen't have't to have thing.To be far it dosen't have to be the same thing. You just get whatever you need. To be sucseful.

4/15/2013 03:51:18 am

i think fair means you have the sameamount. you might be succsesful. we might be fair.

4/15/2013 03:51:49 am

I think that quote means if someone else has something that you don't that doesn't make it unfair. They might need that to accomplish something while you need something else to accomplish something else.I could apply that to my life when someone gets something for their birthday and I want it then I dont need to complain. Also if someone goes somewhere and i want to go then maybe it was for a reason.

4/15/2013 03:53:57 am

This Phrase means that that you should just be happy of what uyou have. Instead of wanting everything in the world. By like saying like I want that I want this why is being very greedy. One way it would effect me would make me not so greedy about things.

4/15/2013 03:57:26 am

it means to get what you need to make it through something. it means to have the stuff to sucssed. in my life it means that i get my stuff and my brother says its not fair. because he didn't get it to.

4/15/2013 03:59:18 am

I think that it means that you don't have to cry about things that other people have. Also that you can work with the things you have. And you don't have get something and brag about it. And you don't have to tell people they can' t have something that you have.

4/15/2013 04:00:45 am

People should get what they need to be successful.Most poeple cry if they don't get what they want.Some people need different things to be successful so if they get something and you don't you shouldn't cry.

4/15/2013 04:01:06 am

I think that this quote means that somebody has something that you don't but you actually don't want it. I also think that what that person has makes you succeed. What that person has makes you better in life than wishing that you had it. Instead of whining you should do something more helpful in life like go help somebody or something.

4/15/2013 04:01:35 am

It means to use what you want work with what you got you don' t need a 100 dollar pensil because it plays muisc.

4/19/2013 01:11:30 am

This phrase means that you sould be fair. You sould not be selffish.People will like you bettter.


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