What do you think?

Click on the button below.  It will take you to an article by Scholastic about requiring art and music classes in school.  Read that article (page 14), and then give your opinion in the comment section below.  BE SURE TO PROOFREAD YOUR WORK-This is 50% of your grade!  

Your response is due by Friday, 12/7


12/3/2012 02:44:26 am

No. Students should get to chose if they want to lern them. I say they are unneeded skills.

12/3/2012 02:49:19 am

Yes. Music and Art should be provided for the students so they can find their talent in one of them. Also Art helps tehm get better on their hand skills. And Music helps know the pitches and note in Music.

12/3/2012 02:52:06 am

Yes - They should because in music they need to learn pitches and notes if they want to be like flo - Rida
Yes - They should because they can learn how to paint and draw different ways

12/3/2012 02:52:20 am

no,Because if you do not what to do art you do not have to do it. If you hate music you do not have to do it.

12/3/2012 02:53:30 am

I say no because kids have to sit and do not do anything but sit and listen to the teacher.We do not need to learn it because math and reading are more inportant because we will need to read stuff and will need to know how to add and stuff.Plus kids might not want to do that when they get older so they could put in a study hall so they could get their work done.Well why do they have it because we don't need to use it in the real world.

12/3/2012 02:53:43 am

Yes and no, I think that schools should include music but not art. Art does not really teach you anything. But music is different. In music you can learn to play an instrument and learn to sing really well. in art you just sit and pretty much paint,color,or do crafts. In music you can stand and sing and you can move around and maybe even dance.

12/3/2012 02:55:23 am

No! Because if people grow up they mayn’t use what they took as a kid like music and art. And so they would just waste there time sitting music and art. Also so it isn’t teaching the kids anything. And I can tell you that I will definitely not going to use it when I grow up except to leasen to well I’m driving a tractor or something.

12/3/2012 02:58:47 am

Yes because I love music and art. In art for instance, you can be a great artist like Vincent Van Gogh. In music for instance, you can learn to play the most complicated instrument like, the French Horn.

12/4/2012 02:48:52 am

Yes and no, because you need to learn music more than art because you don’t need art. Another reason is that when you go to collage you can get a better chance of being a music teacher.

12/4/2012 02:49:40 am

No and Yes. No to art because you do not learn anythink. yes to music because you got to learn new notes and you get some good music. The things I like is music better because you learn stuff and in art you do not learn anything.I like do fun stuff that you learn on.

12/4/2012 02:53:50 am

No. for music because. I’ll bet you that no one in our class will be a musician. Maybe for art. But it’s just class that you dra aw in. It would be a lot better if we had the most awesome its teacher in the world

12/4/2012 02:56:52 am

Art-Absolutely not, because art you do not do anything but draw because it does not teach you anything. There is only one person I know that is a good enough drawer the could be an artist and that person does not even live here anymore his name is “Adam” and so it is pretty much useless to have Art in school.
Music-Maybe because you might be walking down the street and see a person singing and you might want to start a beat with the persons song but then you start to change your mind because all you do in band is twiddle your sticks and go hehe all day long. but sometimes it can be a little fun.

12/4/2012 03:00:46 am

Yes because if you want to be a artist or a musisian it will help you with your career. No because if you want to be a phy ed teacher it doesn't help.

12/14/2012 11:54:46 pm

i say the same as chris

1/7/2013 02:47:14 am

yes because if you want to be a musican or an arttest then this would be a good pratecis for your career.


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